Penny Casselman [00:00:00]:
You will find a way to move forward and achieve the success you are after. And if you don't believe that that is possible, I know it is possible for you. As a high performance coach, I know you have what you need inside of you. So I want you to have the belief in yourself. I want you to hold the vision of success in 2025, and I want you taking bold action to make it happen. Welcome to the Pivot with Passion podcast. Hi. I'm Penny Casselman.
Penny Casselman [00:00:46]:
I believe everyone is deserving of a phenomenal life. Regardless of where you came from, life is what you make of it. And when you learn to pivot with passion, your world explodes with opportunities. Go grab your favorite beverage, and let's shake things up as we explore how to pivot with passion. Hello, director. I am thrilled to be sliding back into your ears this week after an unexpected two and a half week break. You see, I was massively suffering from a sinus infection that I could not shake, and I finally took myself to urgent care, got some antibiotics, and boom, I am here showing up this week feeling better and back to my spunky self. Thank you for your patience in the release of this episode.
Penny Casselman [00:01:51]:
Yesterday, I was sitting in the chair with my barber, and I had to confess to her that I cut my own bangs. For me, having short hair, the minute, the minute something gets too long, it suddenly feels overwhelming. And so since I can't see the back of my hair, I needed a professional to do that, but I could see the front, so I trimmed up my bangs. After I shared with her that I cut them, she looked at me and said, ah, fancy yourself a barber, do you? And I had to laugh because I could tell in her delivery and the way she was looking at my bangs, they were not looking very professional. And I thought, what a fantastic metaphor. How many times have you chosen to pursue something without asking for any help, thinking that you can do it alone, that you can do it as good or better than if you just paused for an expert. I know. Had I just walked in to the barber, she would have trimmed my bangs for free, and it would have taken her two minutes.
Penny Casselman [00:03:06]:
And often, it's not simply about asking for help or finding an expert. Oftentimes, it is us being stubborn. Me being stubborn in making something happen. So that's what I wanna talk about today. I'm going to give you three perspectives that you can noodle on in the coming weeks to help you move forward towards the success I know is waiting for you in 2025. It's time for a clarity cocktail. I wanted to keep the episode today light and quick and succinct and fun, because I have been lacking fun being sick for two and a half weeks. So I hopped on my favorite quote site which is called Brainy Quotes and was looking for kind of a cheeky quote to share today, and I found one that I adore and actually made me laugh the first time I heard it.
Penny Casselman [00:04:14]:
Now it comes from Theodore Roosevelt, and it goes like this. If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. Boom. There it is. And I thought this tied in so well where we started the episode, which is how often do we find ourselves stubborn or not asking for help or not referencing people who have gone before us or instructions or seeking out mentors. I get it. Life is hard. There are so many things that can get thrown at us on any given day, in any given month, during any given year, and we have the power of choice.
Penny Casselman [00:05:03]:
And so with the words of Theodore Roosevelt this week, I encourage you to think about his quote when you're trying to cut corners or being stubborn or not taking a pause to see the bigger picture. And here the quote is again. If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month. Director, don't be your own worst enemy. Take control. Take ownership. Take pride in what you're doing. Set your sight on something phenomenal because I know you have it in you to make it happen, so get out there and do it.
Penny Casselman [00:05:49]:
And now back to the episode. Cheers. Circling back to the three perspectives I want you to think about to help move you forward so that you are not being stubborn, that you are not procrastinating, because I want you to crush 2025, regardless of if you started off the year sick, or if you already feel that it's too late to step into the greatness that is 2025. Let's take a pause and reframe how we're thinking. So the first perspective I wanna share is that don't give up. It would have been so easy for me this week to say, Penny, it's Wednesday. You already missed the last two weeks. You really think you can record one today and pull it off, publish it? Like, just skip this week too.
Penny Casselman [00:06:44]:
Like the Clarity Cocktail said, I don't wanna kick myself in the pants. So I'm showing up. I am not giving up. I realize what needs to be done, and I'm shifting my expectations so that I am in alignment with what I wanna do, but I'm also honoring the time frame in which I have to get it done. That is number one. Don't give up, keep moving forward. Second, remember your why. Why did you start doing something? Why did you begin striving for something new? Oftentimes, when we're pursuing something new, we can get so in the weeds that we forget the bigger reason that we're doing something.
Penny Casselman [00:07:31]:
So remember your why. Here's an example. Two years ago, I was working on a workshop. I cannot make this up. I probably spent a forty hour corporate work week trying to come up with a title for this workshop. I was so far down in the weeds of trying to make it perfect that it delayed me sharing it with people who needed it. I had forgotten why I was doing the workshop in the first place. I was so consumed with the title I was giving this document that I had forgotten it was in service for others.
Penny Casselman [00:08:16]:
The minute I paused and stepped back and thought of it, all the effort I put forth to find the perfect name, I threw out the window and ended up going with letter to self. Seriously, anchor in to why you are doing something, and you may find that that helps you take the next step and move forward. And the third thing, and I harp on this a lot, is ask for help. I guarantee you have at your disposal at least five people right now in your orbit who can help you in any area that you're struggling with. Now you may not even know who they are, but if you put the call out to friends and colleagues and say, this is what I need assistance with, you will be pleasantly surprised with how many hands go up or how many people respond with either I can help you, let's talk, or I know someone who can help you. So, again, there is no reason to flounder in the beginning of this new year to not reach your goals by the end of the year. In quick recap, here are the three perspectives I want you to think about the next time you are feeling stuck or frustrated or stubborn. It is one, don't give up.
Penny Casselman [00:09:49]:
Two, remember your why. And three, ask for help. Whether you use one or all three of these approaches, you will find a way to move forward and achieve the success you are after. And if you don't believe that that is possible, I know it is possible for you. As a high performance coach, I know you have what you need inside of you. So I want you to have the belief in yourself. I want you to hold the vision of success in 2025, and I want you taking bold action to make it happen. Barring any major sicknesses, I will be sliding back into a consistent routine next week.
Penny Casselman [00:10:46]:
Friend, thanks for listening to this episode of Pivot with Passion. If you've been feeling stuck, exhausted, or frustrated, this is your permission slip to go grab a red marker and claim the life you desire and deserve. If you enjoyed this episode, share it with a friend, and then hop over to rate and review the show on Apple Podcasts. Because my goal is to put a red marker in everyone's hand, and I need your help to spread the word and make that happen. Until the next episode, go grab a red marker, get excited for your future, and make your first move to pivot with passion.