27: The Core Principles of a Red Marker Moment—Belief, Action, & Vision

Season #1

Greetings, passionate pivoters, and welcome back to Pivot with Passion, where we ignite the fire to your aspirations and transform your reality! I'm your host, Penny Casselman, ready to share wisdom that can propel us from life's standstills to the stratosphere of our dreams. Today's episode will leave you starstruck, as I recount the celestial magic of a total solar eclipse, reminding us of life's awe and our place within its grand canvas.

Join me as I dive deep into the core of what it means to have a 'red marker moment.' We'll unpack the crucial triad of belief, action, and vision, which is the heartbeat of every pivotal juncture in life.

Remember, it's about the moments we seize, the markers we claim, and the unwavering belief in our innate power to propel forward with a clear vision and deliberate action. So, let's explore these transformative truths, cheers to just doing it, and let's get ready to make today's episode another unforgettable marker in your journey. Let the pivot commence!



00:00 Experiencing awe of celestial event, feel insignificant.

04:41 Overcoming obstacles, embracing change for an exciting future.

08:07 Success comes from ignoring others' opinions. Just do it.

12:27 Overcome discomfort, have clear vision, take action.

14:42 Stay focused, take action, believe in yourself.

17:48 Overcome self-doubt and embrace personal achievements.



Just Do It! ~ Nike



Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 



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