24: Stop the Confusion—How to Define Success on Your Terms

Season #1

In this episode, host Penny Casselman delves into the concept of success and how to define it in various aspects of life. Sharing insights from personal experiences, Penny encourages listeners to stop saying "I don't know" and start creating a vision for a phenomenal future. Drawing parallels between planning for a vacation and planning for success, she offers thought-provoking perspectives and practical tips for gaining clarity. Tune in as Penny shares her wisdom and invites listeners to ponder what success means to them. Get ready to be inspired to grab your red marker and start making moves towards a more fulfilling life. So, grab your favorite beverage, and let's dive in!



00:00 Thank you for finding benefit, let's talk success.

05:59 Avoid saying "I don't know" in decisions.

07:56 Sci-fi fan quotes Star Trek for clarity.

12:53 Time spent planning escape vs improving life.

15:02 Defining success by avoiding unwanted leadership qualities.

17:35 Empowerment: grab a red marker, pivot with passion.


Clarity Cocktail Quote

Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived. ~Jean Luc Picard


Notes from Penny

Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/@penny_casselman

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