21: Unleash Your Potential—Asking for Help and Taking Action

Season #1

In this episode of Pivot with Passion, host Penny Casselman shares updates and exciting news with her listeners. She introduces her website's new shop page and book offerings, along with the decision to start posting the podcast on YouTube.

Penny dives into the theme of "Nothing is done alone" and encourages listeners to seek support and ask for help in pursuit of their goals. Using engaging anecdotes and motivational quotes, she emphasizes the power of collaboration and the positive impact of seeking assistance. Join Penny as she inspires listeners to pivot with passion and claim the life they desire.



00:00 Different priced items available, visit PennyCasselman.com/shop

05:12 Seek help, don't go at it alone.

07:28 Quote about facing deficiencies, acknowledging, and learning.

09:36 Embrace help to overcome struggles and deficiencies.

15:34 Embrace asking for help to achieve success.

17:45 Embrace unique experiences and seek helpful insights.


Clarity Cocktail Quote 

 Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. ~ Helen Keller


Notes from Penny

Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Send me your thoughts; I’d love to hear what you think.  https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


Did you enjoy the episode? Hop over to your podcast platform and take a moment to rate & review the show. I want to put a Red Marker in everyone’s hand so they can Pivot with Passion—and I need your help to make that happen!



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Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/



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