13: Celebrate Your Everyday—Embracing the Small Victories

Season #1

Welcome to a special episode of Pivot with Passion with your host, Penny Casselman. In this episode, Penny discusses the power of celebrating our achievements, big and small, as we close out the year and look ahead to a new one.

She shares personal insights, reflections, and practical tips on how to cultivate a practice of celebration in our lives, drawing inspiration from personal experiences, anecdotes, and even an Oprah Winfrey quote. Penny also takes a moment to celebrate her own accomplishments and the impact of her podcast on her listeners.


00:00 Celebrate holidays, reflect, and publish a book.

03:38 Celebrating achievements and pausing amidst life's tasks.

06:47 Embrace celebrating small victories to enrich life.

10:05 Remember to celebrate small achievements often disregarded.

15:08 Celebrating podcast milestones and avoiding competitive pressure.

18:22 Find grace, celebrate, take control, pivot passion.



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Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/


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