07: The Mandatory Ingredient for a Phenomenal Life

Season #1

Penny dives into the importance of injecting fun into our daily lives in this episode. After celebrating some heartwarming reviews, we explore the impact of swapping "should" with "could" and the liberating power it brings.

The episode unfolds with anecdotes from Penny's own life, revealing the transformative nature of embracing a more playful mindset. We challenge the notion that fun has no place in the workday, debunking myths that hinder productivity. Penny shares strategies, from Snapchat shenanigans to cultivating friendships that radiate joy.

The challenge? Grab a red marker, write "fun" in bold caps, and make it a daily reminder that fun is not optional; it's mandatory for a vibrant life. As Penny signs off, she encourages listeners to share the podcast, leave a review, and join the journey of pivoting with passion.

So, claim the life you desire, and let the fun begin!


>>>LINK to 2022 Study mentioned in the episode 👉 https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2022/10/multiple-stressors-no-function



No FOMO 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

*** If you've subscribed to the show—THANKS🤩—now's a great time to share it with a friend! 👍🏼 Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Connect with me on Instagram and drop me a DM or send me a note via my podcast page here >> https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

Oh—and if you enjoyed the episode, please take a moment to rate & review the show. This helps me get this message to more people so they can grab a Red Marker and move to Pivot with Passion.


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