02: Unveiling Impact—Triumphing Over Adversity and Inspiring Change

Season #1

Welcome to Episode 2!

Penny shares her journey through red-marker moments in this heartfelt episode, emphasizing the power of embracing challenges. In support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, she introduces her breast cancer survivor story as a backdrop for exploring life-altering moments.

Despite the odds, she demonstrates how starting before you feel ready can lead to unexpected, impactful experiences. She narrates her journey from a cancer diagnosis to shaving her head, ultimately inspiring a fellow patient to embrace her journey. The episode highlights the ripple effect of interactions and urges listeners to jump into new endeavors, even when they seem overwhelming.

Penny emphasizes the importance of declaring what you want and the support networks to help you achieve it. This episode offers a moving, motivational, and optimistic message about turning adversity into triumph and inspiring change.



No FOMO 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-weekly-email

More about Penny's book: https://www.pennycasselman.com/book

Work with Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/


*** If you've subscribed to the show—THANKS🤩—and now's a great time to share it with a friend! 👍🏼 Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Connect with me on Instagram and drop me a DM.

If you enjoyed the episode, please take a moment to rate & review the show. This helps me get this message to more people so they can grab a Red Marker and move to Pivot with Passion.


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