Trailer: What's Pivot with Passion?

Welcome to the Pivot with Passion podcast.

Hi, I'm Penny Casselman. A former corporate girl turned entrepreneur. And I've spent years pivoting my work and life to arrive here today.

I believe everyone is deserving of a phenomenal life. And that life starts when you grab a red marker and claim what you truly desire.

I've faced many challenging and difficult experiences and know that circumstances can change in an instant. When you feel stuck, exhausted, or frustrated, you simply need to choose again.

Regardless of where you came from, where you're at, or where you think you're headed—life is what you make of it. And when you learn to Pivot with Passion, your world explodes with opportunities.

My goal inside each episode is to have you feeling inspired by possibility, empowered to make new choices, and to get excited for your future. Because, my friend, life's too short to settle for "Fine."

Now, go grab your favorite beverage, and let's shake things up as we explore how to Pivot with Passion.


Tune in each week as Penny shares her thoughts, experiences, and insights on how to claim your Red Marker Moment and begin to Pivot with Passion.

If you’ve subscribed to the show—THANKS🤩—and now's a great time to share it with a friend! Connection and stories matter more now, than ever and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Connect with me on Instagram and drop me a DM.

Oh—and, if you enjoyed the episode, please take a moment to rate & review the show. This helps me get this message to more people so they too can Pivot with Passion.



Work with Penny:



50% Complete

Two Step

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